Friday, October 22, 2010

Last weekend as a child-free couple

Wow...I can't even comprehend the weight of that statement! How could I? We've ALWAYS been childless. Laura and I had a discussion the other day and I reflected back on everything I've done and everywhere I've been and everything I've experienced along the way. Joining the army and driving a tank in Germany on the autobahn, working full-time while putting myself through school, touring with the Grateful Dead for 8 years, advancing through the ranks at the companies I've worked for, etc. While I have some regrets (not too many) I've done a lot. I think Pink Floyd said it best when they sang "then one day you'll find, 10 years have got behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun."

Well, I heard the gun and went off on my own. Looking back, it occurred to me that I've worn a multitude of hats except one major one...parent. That's when I realized that this is exactly what I want to do. I want to be "daddy" to a child. In just 11 short days, I will be. We will meet our daughter for the very first time. I have no idea how she'll respond, but I know that God has pointed us in this direction and obviously he pointed Anyssa too. This is how it is supposed to be. I know it. Isn't faith wonderful?

We found out the other day that we will be meeting up with a couple who was in our travel meetings. We will meet them in Beijing and probably go on tours together. Then they fly off to Guiyang in Guizhou Province while we go to Sichuan. They will pick up their daughter and we will all meet back up in Guangzhou. It will be nice to be with other people who are going through the same thing we are. It will also be good for Anyssa to see another child being adopted too although their daughter will only be 18 months.

Today will be the last day of work for both of us. From here it's full on to China. Packing and trying to not forget anything. We have some last minute paperwork to complete so I'll get that done this weekend. Wednesday will be here soon!

As promised, here are a couple of pictures of her room. We still have a couple of pictures to hang and some books to put away, but this is it. I think she'll like it. As you can see, she has a fully stocked closet already. She's going to be a little fashion plate!


  1. A beautiful little room for a beautiful little girl. God's Speed and all blessings to you all.

  2. Thank you for the invite to your story! I am so very touched with your writing, Roger! What you three are going through will change your lives forever for the better! I truly believe you will be great parents as you already loved her, before you even knew her. I can't wait for the next post!! :) You are all in my prayers.

  3. Tomorrow you fly off to bring your daughter home!! How exciting is that!!
    You will be in our thoughts and our prayers for the next 16 days (and then after you arrive home too!)
    Anyssa will be a blessing to you as you will be to her.
    God bless you all as this adventure takes off!
