Monday, November 15, 2010

Name change

As you may have noticed, I've changed the name of the blog to reflect the current situation.

Anyway, the challenge continues. Anyssa is slowly making the transition to American life (she had her first trip to WAL-MART yesterday!), however, it's gonna take some time for her very young body clock to completely adjust for the 14 hour time difference. Going to bed can be challenging so we try and tire her out and don't enforce naps right now. She's been waking up at 3 and not going back to sleep so THAT's an issue.

Other than that, life goes on. She's gradually tasting American food...raisins, and BANANAs!! We have no idea her experience with bananas, but when she saw a bunch hanging from our little banana holder on the counter, her eyes bulged and she got excited, pointing at them. She ate 3 the first day! We are now trying to get her to maybe 2 a day. I will give her credit...she does at least TRY most foods to determine if she likes them or not. Surprisingly, she HATES Coke and Sprite. Again, probably no experience. She tasted my Sprite and got this nasty look on her face...she couldn't make it to the sink in time to spit it out. We'll see how long THIS lasts!

The next

      I REALLY like this one of both of my girls!                        Mommy and Anyssa in Guangzhou


  1. Love that picture too, Roger...and that the blog continues from Bolingbrook!

  2. Your favorite picture of your two girls in now myfavorite too!! Two beautiful hearts in one photo!

  3. Roger, Laura, I would encourage that dislike of soda if I were you -- there are so many healthy alternatives. Water being one of the best, along with various natural fruit juices and milk.
