Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Day to give Thanks

Roger and I want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, not only today but always. Anyssa and Roger are watching the Macy's Day parade while I write this. It is wonderful to be home with our family and friends and looking forward to our first Thanksgiving with Anyssa! She is such a blessing and is adapting better in many ways than we thought she would. Our challenges continue to be the bedtime issues and learning to communicate better. We believe she understands much of what we say and we've all learned to use sign language (our version, at least!) to all get our points across. She pushes the envelope every chance she gets!! Typical of a 5yr old, I'm sure.
Anyssa made her first appearance at church last Sunday and did quite well. Our good friend, Miranda, stayed with her in the nursery and Roger and I were able to attend the service. Anyssa even came up to the altar for a blessing during communion, then ran back to the nursery with Miranda! After the service, people came to the nursery to meet Anyssa and she hung with Amy, Lauren and Miranda as the adults visited! It was so wonderful to be back at St. Benedict's and for the warm welcome we received. Our church family is a true blessing!

Roger went back to work this past Monday, so Anyssa and I are trying to get into a routine. But we'll get there. Anyssa has had several visitors this week. Sunday night, she met her cousin Tyler and her Aunt Toni, as they came for dinner (we ordered Chinese, go figure!!) and her Uncle Al, that she met earlier at church, joined us too. By the end of the evening, she was showing off how her cart wheel moves and just being silly with Tyler! Yesterday, she met her cousin Allie and saw her Aunt Vicky again. The three of them worked on the kitty puzzle that was a shower gift and they had so much fun, laughing and giggling! Allie also played the piano while Anyssa sat next to her and joined in at times. It was so great to see them connecting! Was sorry Daddy wasn't home to see. Later in the day, our good friends Joel, Renee' and Amy came to visit. Anyssa met them at church, so after only a few minutes, she and Amy were playing together, or should I say, Anyssa was running around, wanting Amy to chase her! They spent a good part of the visit playing with stickers and the plastic food that our friend and neighbor, Dawn, loaned us. She loves playing with the pretend food, dumping it on the family room floor and designing all kinds of meals!

Then, it was time for dinner at Dawn, Mike, Connor and Evan's house, who live behind us. This was her first visit to someone elses house and she walked around, checking things out first, before settling in to hang with Connor and Evan. She was also intrigued by their pet Guinea pig, Pekachu (sp?) and got to pet him while on her lap. Since our cats continue to hide in the basement (they're afraid of her, rather than the other way around), she enjoyed getting to pet him and watch him eat his green pepper. The boys turned on Sponge Bob and she sat between Daddy and Connor on the couch, settling in to watch a few episodes. She looked extremely comfortable! Then it was down to the basement and there she found the Simpsons pinball machine. With Daddy watching, she easily figured out how to play! She also played air hockey with Connor and Evan. We wonder what she must think of all this. The giggles and big smiles said it all. It was a very busy day and after a little bit of prodding, she fell fast asleep and didn't wake until 7:30 this morning. We give thanks for these little victories.

Heading to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner. My Mom is an awesome cook (hopefully I can be as good as her someday). This will be the first visit to Grandma and YeYe's (Chinese for grandpa and that is what Anyssa calls my dad). We give so many thanks that we can all be together today. Roger's brother, Bob, is out of the hospital and will be joining us also.

We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and we are so thankful for our family and friends who love and support us. Blessings to you all!


Laura, Roger and Anyssa


  1. I Love the picture of her at the piano...Maybe she will really spark an interest in playing someday!
    She is just Glowing! hat a happy little girl. I am so glad she slept for you too! I So wish I could be there...

  2. It sounds like everyone is adjusting well, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. We are blessed to have you in our life and hope to meet Anyssa sooner than and hugs to all,
    The Carlsons
